
I used to believe that Sydney Bank’s Three Principles could be taught. I was in error. Education is about enabling a learner to find what he is seeking by his/her own effort. I used to waffle on about this, that, and the other, and no one ‘Got It’. Then it struck me “Did not the great man Sydney Banks have the same teaching experience?” YES HE DID. Some people attended every lecture he ever gave and still were none the wiser. So This website is here for YOU to use so that YOU expand your consciousness YOURSELF and get T3Ps. If you ask anyone who understands the Three Principles how that understanding was arrived at, they will NOT be able to tell you. So, just like at University, this website is your tutorial. You have to go away and do YOUR OWN Research & development, and this journey will lead you to an understanding of the Three Principles. In your own time. When your consciousness has risen above its present level. Have a good journey.

Read the coloured word links by clicking on them and suggest you read in the order they are listed.

Examples FIRST, SECOND, NEXT, ONGOING, Meditation, and so on.

[NOT these coloured ones above, BUT the coloured links below here]

  1. Read ‘Mr Sydney Banks Introduction’ FIRST
  2. Read & then Listen to ‘Sydney Banks – Audio Course – The Complete Explanation’ SECOND
  3. Read ‘Syd Banks Further Investigations’ NEXT
  4. Read ‘Three Principles Posts’ ONGOING
  5. Meditation is highly recommended so you learn to create a ‘secret place’ in your mind where everything is just as it should be and you are truly at peace with everything and everybody.
  6. METAPHOR is for when you have initially understood the true meaning of THE THREE PRINCIPLES. I call this THE EVANGELIST STAGE. It feels so good to have reached the “understanding”, and newbies seem to get the idea that it is now their bounden duty to rush around like headless chickens trying to tell as many people as they can about this good thing that they have found. This is completely normal – every one

     of us converts goes through this stage. !Don’t! You will be much more effective if you become a metaPHor – This is deep stuff, Only  Venture here when you have A Really SOLID Grounding in what THE 3 PRINCIPLES mean. That is ‘You Know!’

  7. Father McKenzie is here to help you understand the SPIRITUAL ASPECTS of The Principles. Sydney Banks was not a religious man, BUT he was a very spiritual man. These things are neither the same nor similar. CHALK versus CHEESE. This section can be as easy as you care to make it.
  8. A Guide to Creative Writing is here because instead of continually regurgitating things that you already know, you will have a mind that comes up with long-forgotten and wholly original ideas and concepts. Being more creative will come so easily as a known! Might as well have an outlet for all that newfound talent. Seriously. You will gain so much more capacity for creative thinking once all that old garbage you used to dwell on is slung out for the garbage man.
  9. WizDumb with Amir Karkouti. The 3 Principles discovered by Sydney Banks has this habit of producing a type of Eureka moment when the penny finally drops, and you finally see it. Most of us (me more that anyone else) think wow! I finally get it, and now I must tell someone else about it! It IS Then that you find out that Sydney Banks spent 26 years of his life trying to tell people how to see his Three Principles. Mostly he failed in this. You think to yourself well how did I see it? How did I get it? Most of us eventually come up with the honest answer that we really did not know. It just happened. It is a minor Miracle. So, do NOT waste time being a failing Evangelist. Stop reading all those Sydney Banks books and approaching T3P practitioners, and going on endless courses, in able to find that “missing link” that tells you how to convert others. THIS IS NOT HOW IT WORKS. Just like you individuals “SEE” Sydney Bank’s Three Principles for themselves following their own unique path. Click here for my views on WizDumb.

Humankind’s strength is that we have the ability to connect with each other; when one of us is weak, another is strong. We lend, store and generate energy. Not just for ourselves alone but for everyone to whom we are connected.

Nadia Bratke did a brilliant video illustrating the paragraph above. It is very short, so please watch it

It will feel like you have been born again. A brand new start. You finally know YOU and your wonderful capacity for loving and enjoying life.

When you get a full understanding of Thee Three Principles, then you will probably follow the general change in ourselves that we old hands have. That’s an awkward sentence but The Three Principles changes people, if it didn’t then what would be the point of it?

You will feel much lighter about life in general. Be more creative. Have thoughts which convey both love and wisdom. You will feel grounded. Some people describe it as coming home. There are pitfalls for the unwary and I do not want you to fall into them as I did. Leaving judgement behind is not easy and you will look at the new you and compare it with the old you and that is fine. Noting how far you have come is great. Here is the pitfall. You compare. the new you to other people that you know. They are not like you. They can be slow on the uptake, and procrastinate just like you used to. Be fearful of things and keep dragging up the past and making themselves sad. Just like you used to. Compare and you might consider yourself now above your former friends and acquaintances. 

Take a big step back. You were just the same as them and not that long ago. So your first thought is to turn into a Three Principles Evangelist and tell everybody how they should get with the program. Second thought is that you are a cut above them. Tut Tut Tut! Third Thought is that You can fix them. 

Think back and someone (probably Sydney Banks himself) told you most emphatically to look inside and live a life that was insideOUT. This will make you so unhappy. Eventually. YOU will NEED outsideIN. NOT TO BECOME A FOLLOWER OF WHAT IS OUT THERE, BUT YOU NEED TO JOIN IN WITH OTHERS IN THIS DANCE CALLED LIFE. When you are in That Dance, your happiness will return in spades.

Before you get too carried away with the idea of life being a case of all beer and Skittles a word from the wise. The mere fact that you are seeking happiness means that you aren’t happy. If you are continually doing or following a set of instructions to find joy, then you are not a Joyful person. Happy people are just content to be as they are in their space at that time and with the people that they are so familiar with. Now this doesn’t mean that we ever take the people that contribute to our feeling of goodness and well-being for granted. Oh No, we have to remember that we are not islands. We do not stand alone and need the warmth and comfort of others to complete our wonderful earthly life. Debbie Happy Cohen talks of a discipline to follow to experience Joy in your life. I might put that quite differently and say this “Never take your own happiness as being solely created by your own efforts. It is not and never has been. Your well-being is a result of your connection to everyone and everything that is in your world (and we all live in separate ones). The old saying that no man is an island is the biggest chunk of wisdom that you will ever discover when on the path to seeking happiness and joy. What you seek lies both within and without. In my experience, people know very little of what lies within and are lazy and complacent about what lies without. Discipline is about NOT being LAZY and Complacent. Coming to mind is that old chestnut about “everybody thought anybody could do it etc. (see the picture below) So, we are responsible for our own happiness and the level of Joy we find in life?

If Joy is a choice, then isn’t being miserable, surly, aggressive, moody, and generally insufferable a choice? Are we indeed creators and never victims of our life experiences? That saying, “You have no one to blame other than yourself for this!” is beginning to sound so much like the truth of the matter, isn’t it? I can say with no level of certainty that it is the case always, BUT there is an undeniable ring of truth about all of this.

Okay what is the name of God?

How do I meet him?

How will he know I am here?


Sydney Banks was NOT a religious man. He was a spiritual man. He never deneid the existence of God and encouraged others to find the right name for the God that each person truly knows exists through faith alone. I cannot prove the existence of God. In the same way I cannot prove to you that miracles happen every hour of every day. I cannot prove to you that I have met with an angel on more than one occasion. But I know these things all happened even if I have no proof. Welcome to the existence of FAITH AND DOUBT. I do not find this understanding in any organised church in the town where I live, and thus I decided to start my own church, which is (click on this link to find out more about this totally insane idea)

This page is under constant construction!


Simple 7 Church

Click on the link above

So, off you go on your journey to a new you. You are going to come to realise that a big part of the new you revolves around judgement.




I find this story helpful. The Egg.

And as for things not seeming to be all that we think that they are… You cannot beat a look at Alice and her adventures in Wonderland

Latest Site Addition

One hundred and four audio files of Syd’s various talks and conferences got dumped in a cupboard when I moved to DataLords Pro Hosting. 14 Months have gone by, and I decided to empty that cupboard and put it into an archive page on this site. This now exists on this website. When it comes to establishing the basics of The Three Principles, then use the top man. Sydney Banks discovered The Three Principles. I say discovered because they have always existed, BUT Syd had them revealed to him, and he explains them using word metaphors. “Look beyond my words.” was one of his pearls of wisdom. I advise you always to do that. Do not dwell on what words were used, BUT concentrate on ‘What is Sydney trying to tell me here?”