New Things

Doing something new or different is never easy.

Occassionally though what you are currently doing hurts real bad. The knotted tummy feeling that will not go away, the restless energy screeming to you ‘something’s wrong, get out get out get out.’, sleepless nights, the feeling of waste… Oh, you put up with all this for a while, well as much as you can, and then you think ‘I just have to make a change.’ And you do, and yes the pain doesn’t go instantly away, but a month or so later, you think ‘why the hell didn’t I do this sooner?’

Why is it we cling to what is long past?

A Month, A Week, A Day, An Hour, A Second ~ we get possible second chances to “Put Things Right”.

I wasted 25 years worrying about something I could not possibly change.

I should have readily accepted that “What is” done is truly done, and found my watch-words “Do NOT harp on about What is Not for what is not is just that and it’s imposssible to change.”