Poem for October

Book: — A horse walks into a bar by David Grossman

O’Leary’s bar, was by far

the essential place at which to be seen

You can take the family the fun is clean,

Go by foot, or bike, train, bus or car


The star attraction, seen in action

was barely possible to believe in accounts

jokes told by a horse, not by DRUNKEN gobby louts.

One excited drinker ended UP in hospital in traction


Joseph O’Leary had been oh so weary

of comics that played houses, insulted and run

Whereas the horse told jokes about various feats of fun

He Delighted in  people, never ever making them dreary


So people flocked in, trying ale and gin

Eagerly passing the hours till  showtime

They found the equestrian so powerfully sublime

His jests and teases and occasional sneezes, chardrin


The horse was to blame for his stage name

He never used or revealed his original one

His well connected sisters beneath an Aristocrat’s bum

‘Justin Bayer Head’ a signature without any shame


His content was clean, smutt never heard or seen

His stories always described life going soft firm or hard

The punch lines timing, perfection unhurried, never jarred

The Moral or Anecdotal tales Never ever spiteful or mean


O’Leary being beery renamed the bar ‘Nags Head’

And his comic left in great anger and damnation

For noble beasts enjoy their general admiration

Nags told gags, and that was far beneath this wondrous Thoroughbred


Joseph pined and he became much maligned

And all his regulars very soon deserted

For they by flyer and newspaper were soon alerted

Their comic Justin had been, by a nearby bar, signed


Comedy twice nightly, proclaimed quite rightly

By a noble horse of manners with great repartie and wit

Bring the kids for they will hear no …. smutt

This is a class act that is winning evry nightly


O’Leary closed his bar having lost his star,

His stools, tables and chairs all were forlorn

His fortune unbridalled, unstabled alas it was all gorn

He chucked his belongings in the boot of his shabby old car


Joseph unfortunate man, had a huge flaw in his plan

His gasoline measured in only milli litres

By the next bar, his engine just coughs and peters

A familiar voice drifted from a face just lifted over the saloon door jam


The joke was familiar, he had heard lots similar

Of a foul mouthed parrot that got cured of its filth

Its owner having shoved the vile bird in a freezer

Determined to tease her with The fate of the chickens beneath


O’Leary hung round until no further sound

And entered the stage door at the back

Forgive me Justin I am broke so alas and alack


But the horse stated I am very okay here thanks,     …   I shall never ever ever be back