That Long Running Play

A long Running Play 

That audiences were sworn not to reveal the ending of.


He lay conquered.  He was no more.


In his life, he had been one of the greatest.  He had learned well from his parents, when to be on the lookout, secretive, guarded, he knew the ways of his world and when he met his fair maiden they vowed to bring up their young to survive well.  Within the great forest they had hunted, and been hunted, but always lived to see another day.  Several little ones arrived and went out into the wide beyond, armed with the knowledge and spirit passed down to them. Life was good and plentiful.  


In later age, the great forest became too cold and damp for old bones.  Warmer climes were longed for, and so our ‘hero’ sought sustenance protected from the wind and rain.  

All was quiet.  An aroma was on the air.  He followed it, stopped, looked round.  All was well.  He continued.  A noise startled him and he shrunk into the shadows.  A flash of light made him blink.  It went dark again.  He was safe.  The smell still drifted by so started off once more seeking the source.  Aha! this seems right, a juicy morsel here.


But……snap! and that was it.  

Someone heard the snap.  

The light was shone again.


“Dad!  You caught a mouse!”