Stars a Blanca

Beneath two setting suns, binary stars at the centre of a solar system – sitting on the outer edge of the furthest reaches of the galaxy Andromeda, on a hot desert planet called Tatfloon, on the edge of a now dilapidated spaceport, a large pink neon, sign sitting on top of a whitewashed single storey adobe built rectangular building, announced the location of Wicks bar.

The bar was almost empty, apart from the usual space detritus- space beings trying to forget their miserable existence by drinking their way into oblivion. A coloured gentleman sat at the piano

playing a melancholic selection tunes, his purple and green fingers moved effortlessly across the keys.

The door opened, in walked an elegant Vesuvian female, wearing a traditional evening dress which secured her right and left breasts, allowing her third breast to gently swing between the holstered ones on either side, the triangular constructions allowed the deep blue nipples on each of the three

 breasts to remained exposed, her lime green skin was almost glowing, barely covered by the silver gown. She walked up to the piano player and said, ”Hello Sam,” Sam continued to play, then slowly his pink and yellow eye turned on its stalk towards her, it wavered briefly from left to right, then slowly came up to meet her two graphite coloured compound lens eyes.

 ”Hello Miss Elsa, Wick ain’t here at the moment he’s gone out, something about some transit papers, I don’t know when he’ll be back.”

”I’ll wait Sam, and while I wait, please can you play, As Time Warps By.”

”Wick don’t like me playing that Miss Elsa.”

 ”But Wick isn’t here to object Sam, play As time Warps By, play it Sam play It” Sam grunted, looked towards the door to check Wick wasn’t back and started to play.

 ”You must reminisce this, time’s experiential, far from chronological, as time warps by.” In another nanosecond a hand reached across in front of Sam and slammed the keyboard cover down, just missing Sam’s sixteen purple and green fingers.

“I weally don’t see why you don’t wemembeder that I told you never to play that Sam.”

“But Wick Miss Elsa……”

”Hello Wick it’s been a long time,” said the Vesuvian.

Wick looked up, took a deep breath and counted to three, ”Of all the Pangalacticgargleblasterjoints in all the Universe, you had to walk into mine.”
