Writing Magazine August Tips

The Latest edition of Writing Magazine.


I found 4 tips that we could look at and see where this input takes us to. The magazine is really quite expensive for us all to individually buy and so although I commend it to you, it is just one writing publication that I will be drawing drawing “hints and tips” from, so don’t sign up for a subscription. Well, Not Yet!

This edition is all about dialog and how very difficult it  is to write and make sound authentic. There is a fashion for this sort of monolog writing going round at this moment, and some people like Alan Bennett are the masters of it (see his BBC series “Talking Heads” where major TV starts perform a characterisation which has been very skilfully written and produced by Alan. GREAT STUFF!


Then examine some of the soaps (especially Emerdale) dialog when they attempt to have a single character on screen telling us their story… oh boy! So dire and false it is unreal.


None of these exercises are easy but do try them and see how you get on.

Hoping we can open the doors soon to TAL Community Hub @ Market Weighton, be  good to see and meet some of you in person there.