Being Creative!
What is this? Well, it is getting to grips with the thing that we fear the most. AND that, believe or not , is a vacuum. A void, a “nothing”. It’s nature. The laws of Physics will tell you that nature abhors a vacuum. You create one and something will always try to fill it. You scoop some water out of a bowl, the scoop out of the water soon gets filled. Suck the air out of a sealed tank and the pressure of air trying to ‘get in’ will crush the tank. A void has great power. An empty sheet of paper is a void. Nature does not want to fill it, but you as a writer sure do. What are we gonna do with this particular bit of nothing? Do NOT rush to fill it up. Wait. In time your creative mind will prompt you. I have written words to a page with only the very roughest ideas of what I am actually going to write about. Whatever you do eventually write, accept it. Read it. Wait, Review. Mull… Anything occur to you? Wait…
If nothing is ever gonna be forthcoming then get a new sheet of paper and repeat. NOT ALL NEW STARTS are good ones. Creative people have to accept that sometimes they SUCEED and sometimes they fail. It’s NO big deal. Really, it isn’t. YOU ARE YOUR OWN WORST CRITIC. Instead of judging your work start being very positive and say what else could I make of this. My wife started a scarf once that eventually became a baby wrap. That is the wonder and excitement of Creativity – You are never certain of what you are gonna get! Remember a writer writes. A creative writer writes but is never sure what.
Below is edits of the latest edition of the Nottingham Writers Club news magazine The Scribe Summer 2020 edition & I am in it. Deep joy published again!! after a long break!

I do not usually contribute to “The Scribe’ which is the newsletter of the Nottingham Writers Club which I have been a remote member of for many years. BUT, during Covid-19 LOCKDOWN the club had ZERO meetings so there was not much “club news” to write about. I had an email from the editor asking if I would like to contribute a couple of items to the magazine, as it would be nice to see some remote members work in it for a change. (PLUS they had space this quarter). It was a delight to write for the magazine, even though I knew I was only a copy writer filling collum inches that had been vacated due to the dreaded lurgy. Anyway have a read. Was I worthy of inclusion? Is your work better? I don’t have critisism, I have feedback, well, that’s the way that I view it, Peace & Love Paul Hickman <><