if we were all the same life would be so weird. What is wrong with celebrating our differences? even if this big melting pot happened, some would be tall, others short, some fat, some thin, some well balanced, some a bit maladjusted, some violent, some passive, some genorous, some mean… Then we would be predjudice against something NOT based on the colour of our skin. What we need is John Lennon’s imagine WITHOUT his anti religion predjudice, after all, all religions teach their followers to do good things… Don’t they? trouble is, when you get a so called “christian” persecuting homeless people, laying the law down over personal choices…. I am “anti hypocrite”, to say one thing and do another is an outrage. I am not sure of any of my friends colours, they are people, they talk, laugh, cry, share… I describe them as wonderful, perfect people, who am i to judge? i am like them and they are like me AND we are all together. for I am the egg man, they are the egg man, i am the walrus, goh, goh, gah, chooo xXx