Today ‘I am’ at my church, St. Stephen’s in Newport, Nth. Yorkshire. I will be taking all theĀ  boxes out from under the Altar (which I am restoring to a former glory) carrying them carefully to the shed outside in the Grave Yard. This is the shed, you may recall, that Pete and I built a couple of weeks ago. See my Facebook Page. Every box contains Christ Mass decorations of one sort or another. It will be a joy to get the inside of the church concentrating on ‘NOW’ instead of continually looking back and forward in time, like some demented soul. I did some prep for this last Thursday when we ceaned the Altar with a toothbrush. A fine toothed comb if you like. Exploring all the Altar’s tinest spots so as to cleaan it with good old water (and a little soap). Water, you may or may not know, is the best solvent known to man. Water “hates’ being pure. Whatever you pass it through it absorbs some or all of it. Yes it self contaminates itself. Its a suicide substance. WHATEVER IT TOUCHES THOUGH, GETS REFINED, LOOSES SOME CRAP THAT DEFILES IT. Baptism is like that. The Altar was like that. You are like that. Stand in your shower, feel the power, feel the now’er, gently falling like heavenly rain….