Yesterday, I had a discussion with a Poet. She explained how verses just came to her, and how she quickly wrote them down in a journal, so the ideas would not get forgotten. All very good practise! This poet however admitted that she had not written a complete work this year… yet! We sat and chatted about Beginnings, Middles & Ends. “Ah” she said “I see where you are going with this. Yes, some of my snippets of poetry seem directly related to some others. When I get home I will revise them and compile some of them into complete works.”

What we write might be a beggining, BUT it could be an ending or a middle. Writers write. Try to see the potential in all your writings. Often we do not write in a linear fashion BUT instead hop here, there, and everywhere in the telling of our tales. Most stories are about a journey of some sort. J R R Tolkien’s – The Hobbit’s subtitle is ‘There and Back again.’ That could be a direct route there, and a direct route back revisiting places that were encountred on the way there. There is no reason why you could not write “back-again” before “There”, now is there? You could write the middle of either part of the journey. OR the middle of both parts. THINK DIFFERENTLY – see possibilities.