see what isn’t there!

as a follow up to my last post… I read this article and what was important to me was “Ringo isn’t here!” OFTEN it’s what is NOT on the page that captivates an audience, not, as you might expect, what is there. None of the text I added (in the top right hand corner) comes from the article itself. It comes from a creative mind.


Read the article yourself, and see what other “ideas” spring into your mind. You may find  some of them shocking. For example 2 of  The Beatles are dead 2 are not. Mortality is a 50/50 chance, at the moment! Is Paul seeing a future in his dreams? He says the dreams are mostly good. What are the bad ones like?


SEE what you will See, what you “think” is there. Look “beyond the words” to places you can almost see, and describe it as best as you can.