Facebook Groups

Facebook used to be OKAY but those with opinions that must be accepted as sacrosanct have moved in by the hundred thousand. Now you are not allowed to say anything about anything without Facebook’s express permission. This is unacceptable. The Group called 3PYC was Facebook-based but increasingly FB got bossy about what was allowed on THEIR site. Enough is enough. This is my website and to a greater degree, I decide what goes on these pages and what does not. You cannot represent ideas and constantly claim that they are your unique ideas as everything has existed in some form or another previously. Claiming the Phrase “and the Sun rose on Tuesday” as being copyright is just plain idiocy. Like all property is theft, most FB copyright infringement claims are bananas. Up to a certain point. Obviously, if we are talking 6 words it is nonsense, but 50,000 exact same words do not happen by accident. I challenge anyone to write 10 words that have never ever been ever written before by someone else. You can sit and juggle the 10 words as much as you like, it HAS all been done before. Is there such thing as a popular order?