The Garden of Eden

You may regard the story in Genesis as a piece of poetic license junk. You know that instant reaction “Yeah. Yeah! perfect place! Non-sense, Yada Yada!” and you have never really looked at it with even the merest hint of any curiosity. 

Well maybe, just maybe, you are at a stage in your life where you need to look at it again. Adam had a real close God looking after him. Maslow’s Triangle is worth revisiting to explain what is going on here. Good News! The bottom of the triangle is done. Life in the Garden feels hunky Dorey. And then Silly Adam hears this little voice inside him. This garden isn’t as good as it could be there have to be more, different and better things to do than this. AND SO that driven, relentless, striving, begins to get things that you had anyway. Adam already had safety, he already had love, he was held in very high esteem by God, why did he want to be on a par with God? God said well you reckon you are so clever then get out of my garden and don’t come back! That is when LIFE went from super easy to very hard. Life has very many cross roads. You look at yourself and your life. Consider all that hard work and ask the question. “Is it all worth it?”

That Physiological base level is starting to look okay to you now, isn’t it? The mortgage is paid off, the car is your own, the kids have flown the nest, nice pension coming in, happily married/partnered, money in the bank, and best of all, you are in good health. Despite feeling absolutely exhausted almost all of the time. So here is the big question to consider. “How do I get back into the garden of Eden?”