Guide Lines.

The Green Left Door

The Red Right Door.

The left door will take you to Killimer, Lisdonyarna, Corofin, Gregans Castle, Aillwee Cave, Rusheen Lodge, The Baron Perfumery, Cappobhaile House, Arab Islands, Doolin Ferries OR Newton Castle.

The right door will take you to Cavanagh House, Nore, Frank’s Pub, An Fear Sorca, Logues Lodge, The Car Park, The Wild Life Sanctuary, or a safe place for people with walking sticks.

Which door will you choose? The Green door will take you to a lot more different places than the red door. The destinations through red seem a bit naff as well. It is a 50/50 choice though and so not a hard choice to make. In your mind, there are thousands of doors. Some you have the keys to and some you do not. This is not sinister it is for your own protection. When you are idle THOUGHT will make suggestions about going through one of the doors in your mind. Thought is aligned to EGO and he is never satisfied. He always wants more, better or different. EGO is the fake you who judges everything and finds everything coming up wanting. Even that bright red Ferarri. Given enough time. Often you have fallen for the suggestions and plunged through a mind-door without a second thought. Boy, can that lead to trouble? EGOs thoughts are not always bad, I liked my new job, adored my second child, loved the bride. BUT be aware some of his choices are just to reinforce his identity as yours, and most of the rest are just so he can be the big I am. So just take care. Observe your thoughts. Do you actually make any gain out of this new scheme or does he? Thought is very powerful. He can make the lie seem like absolute truth.