It’s a great thing to know!

Right from when I was first at school some well-meaning “There We Are Then” was always telling me about the importance of standing on my own two feet. “This is important because if yer doesn’t look after herself no one else will!” THIS IS ALL VERY SOUND when you are a kid and just making your own way in this world. Who wants to be the baby who never grows up, and needs food put in his hand, cleanliness taken care of by someone else, clothes provided they will wear or else, following a “thought mode” that is not their own. However, all of this “own feet standing” breeds a person who thinks that he/she can avoid all this world’s troubles by simply looking after number 1. AND we are told, “This is the life that you should aspire to!” Then you leave such foolish things behind and come up against this undisputed fact. Nothing in this world is ever wholly good or wholly bad. Life is just doses of stuff that does you good but has severe side effects. If you bury the not-so-good stuff and only see the good stuff then you distort REALITY and the life you live is a complete lie. There is a small tiny voice inside all of us, a sort of Walt Disney Jiminy Cricket who loves truth and detests lies. He nags. He causes pain and anxiety over what a bad person you really are and you are a fake good one. He is your own worst critic and he is gunning for you! He will make you feel tense nervous and edgy all the time. Put dark thoughts in your head. Make you see other people as competitors and to be feared. In short, he will remove the love that is inside you and replace it with fear. Yes,  I am doing what I do the best preaching at you. All I want is for you to see some truth in what I am saying and then go away and think about it. THE THREE PRINCIPLES IS A DIY COURSE AND ENLIGHTENMENT IS THERE WHEN YOU FIND IT!

a guide note: – Look Inside!