The World and My Life

Sometimes you see things and you think. That is never a good idea. That first thought that absolutely leaps into your head, which is usually so simple and uncomplicated. That thought should be hung onto and savoured. It’s very often the best thought that we have about anything. But good old intellect (AKA EGO) always knows different, better and more. Oh yes, he is a self-confessed clever bastard of whom no one anywhere can compare to. So, he sets about improving the original and making it (you have guessed it haven’t you?) different (its mine, I did that) better (judgement – pah! I can do better than that!) and more. (the author went so far, but not quite enough, there is so much that a greater being like me can make of the idea). EGO is okay in WHAT he says. It is great if we can make something different, better or more AS LONG AS it is with good intent. No “ner ner ne ner ner,  I did better than you who!” here. There is nothing wrong with the spirit of improvement, the spirit of excellence, the spirit of generosity (after all you are improving it for someone else’s benefit… aren’t you?). Such spirits ask us to strive for better things. it’s no longer art for art’s sake, how much can I make, always on the take, take, take. If all we live for is gain, and thinking yourself so much better than someone else is gain, (Ebeneezer Scrooge again – you will be glad when my Christmas thoughts are over.) Anyway, here is my inspiration (which was great there is nothing wrong with it) and my version which is different. (not better or more).