Dog Collar Blues


Imagine you are on a train. It is not an express and it is going to stop at every single one of 24 separate stations. Alpha to Omega. The seat you are sitting in has one very annoying trait. When the train comes to a halt you are smack in the middle of the station name boards. You have no idea where you are unless you get out of your seat and have a look. Sitting opposite you is a Mother and her child who keeps asking the same question. “Are we there yet Mummy?”

You know what children are like because you were one once. You actually like children so you make up a game. “I bet we are at Theta!” Bingo the child is out of her seat and going to the rear of the carriage. “You’re wrong it’s “Iota!” The child having announced the station to the whole carriage returns to her seat. “There is a long way to go mummy.” “Yes, but we are on our way and it’s something to look forward to, getting there I mean.

The guy sitting next to you is fast asleep and has been ever since he boarded the train and sat in his seat. He looks so peaceful and you cannot help but wish that you were like him. Oblivious to all this noise, hustle, bustle and general anxiety about not knowing where you were all the time. Seems like heaven.

The game with the child continues up to Station Phi. There are just 3 more stations to go now. The game has been fun but you and the child are fed up with all that now, and there is not so far to go anyway.

The guy next to you is still fast asleep. Time Passes. The little girl has been doing a countdown. “Three Stops. Two Stops.” & is waiting with bated breath to announce that we are finally there. With a great note of triumph, she announces to everyone “One Stop – We are at Omega Station! Yippee!

In the carriage, you can feel the relief of finally being there. It is a long journey to just sit and look through the windows of people doing such fascinating things. 

You have seen new babies in prams enjoying the sunshine, umbrellas keeping off the rain, school kids going to learn, heard church bells ring as the happy couple exit the church, oh so many things.

At this happy point, your neighbour wakes up from his deep sleep, looks out of the window and says “Wonderful Omega is exactly like I knew it would be, I feel like I have always been here!”

You cannot resist asking “Have you ever been here before then?”

“Only in my dreams sweetheart, I just knew what it would be like. It is my heart’s desire to love and be loved, no matter what station I was at.”

You thought a minute and you say boldly “DO you love me then?”

‘Exactly in the same way that you love that little girl sitting opposite you. Loving her told you who you are and where you are, do you see?” 

“Glad you have arrived then?”

“It’s just one more step along the way. Don’t know where we are off to next, but I do know what it will be like.”

You smile, exchange names and addresses and say that you will meet up again soon.

As you leave the train you think “Crikey what was all the fuss about!? What a Pallava? A young child hears what you just unwittingly said out loud. “You’re one of them miss ain’t yer! Think everything is easy. Maybe it was for you, but I have struggled, battled with life, overcome the enemy, outwitted the bastards, knocked horns with authority. Yes, Life for me has been a battle! Not had it easy me.”

You consider what he says for a while before you reply. “Not a good life then?” The child hesitated. “Well, it could have been a lot easier BUT living despite all that was very wonderful!  “Good! You want to stay with me until we know where we are to go to next?” “Really miss, like a mum?” “If you would like that then yes. Come on race you to the barriers!”