mini 3P journey part 10

The bodies alarm system. When something is wrong with us either physically or mentally the body has an alarm system to let us know. Break a finger and pain tells you summats up. The alarm likes to know that it has been noted so often if you think to yourself god that hurts and go find some paracetamol the alarm turns down even before the painkilling effects kick in. You have a toothache. How many times do you sit in the dentist’s chair awaiting treatment and no pain whatsoever?! Weird. In meditation and psychotherapy we often mentally zone in on parts of the body and see if there is tension or pain, we look for it and it subsides a bit. Yes, it comes back again later but is worth noting. If you ignore the pain of bad feelings then they escalate until you do acknowledge them. If you do the intro to meditation course on the website you will see that this phenomenon is used quite a bit.