Ch Ch Ch Changes.

6th November 2022 and for some reason (?) it’s been a day of action for me. Lots of doubts about the effectiveness and honesty about my efforts to spread the understanding. .Back to basics. Get rid of separateness. Hence the demise of the Facebook 3PYC group. There is nothing special or separate about anybody. We are all fellow travellers on this thing that we call life. I used to change the recordings of Sydney Banks on the website with one aim in mind. “To stimulate traffic to the website.” This also is dishonest. So I found the 4 recordings of Sydney Banks at his complete best at explaining what he means and that is now a permanent fixture on the website. If people hear it, and get it, they will tell others and the word is spread much more honestly and effectively and just BETTER. Just small changes. But like Sydney always said, it only takes one single thought to get underneath the Ego’s radar to change a person overnight, completely and forever. So these are just changes in my approach to my life as a metaPHor continues regardless.

Please investigate Thought, Mind, and consciousness by asking your own. expert. YOU. Look inside. Look for a feeling and not any intellectual reasoning. In doing so you will find wisdom instead.