The metaPHor Response

I first looked vaguely at The Three Principles in 2018. It’s 2023 now, so it’s a fair time ago that I first got really excited about the possibilities that Sydney Banks showed me were very easily obtained if I changed my whole perspective about what this life was all about. Better than that, the change would occur with a single thought creeping under the radar into my unconscious mind (a first insight), and from that, I would see everything differently.


SYDNEY BANKS WAS SPOT ON RIGHT IN EVERYTHING HE SAID. However, there is a trap that is so easy to fall into. It is so very easy to become a 3P Zealot and strut about telling everyone that you meet about this amazing state of grace that you have and they cannot see. Oh, it’s intoxicating and exhilarating, and it is like a drug. You become an evangelist such as Jesus would be so proud of.


Now the truth of all this is that all you need to do is live an altered life. People will soon note the vast changes in your attitude to almost everything, and they will start to wonder…


“Mr Scrooge? What. has happened?” “It’s very simple, Cratchit. I have discovered that I like life…”

Just one example in literature of a miserable arse hole turning into a joyful, playful being.  Yes, Scrooge did tell whoever would listen why he had changed, but it wasn’t his life!! I beg you, when you get the benefits of the Three Principles… Just live a changed and altered existence! Be a metaphor point all who observe you to a better future FOR THEM! Live with the hope they find what you have found and rejoice in their altered state.


If a twat like you can find a changed, altered state, so can anybody… right? well, am. I right? Course I am!