In the wilderness

Not strictly Three Principles centred. This post is about Red Indian Wisdom (so slightly related, as 3P insights come from inner wisdom).

Red Indian tradition says that in each of us, there are two wolves battling it out all the time. There is a good wolf (the champagne-coloured one in our picture) and a bad wolf (pretty obviously the dark grey one.) Sometimes they do come to a point where one of them has the upper hand. Mostly they just fight and argue a lot. Their constant chatter of snarling and their posturing are almost constant while we are awake.

The story goes that a young Red Indian boy asked, “When there is a victory of one wolf over the other which one is the winner?”

The red Indian chief answered him “the wolf that wins is the one that you feed.”

So where does that leave us?

Intentions are everything. If your intentions are good, then chances are the outcome of your endeavours will be good.

If your intentions are bad, then chances are the outcome of your endeavours will be bad.

That phrase “You find what you are looking for.” Springs to mind while I write this.