Post T3Ps

So, here we are. You have finally (probably after a long time) figured out The Three Principles. Here’s the thing! When you first get it, and it normally comes as a shock that you do, you think, “This is great. I must tell others all about it!” But no matter how much you whitter on to your friends about what you have found, THEY JUST DO NOT BLEEDING GET IT! In fact, a lot of your friends start avoiding you because you have become a Syd Banks bore, and it’s all you ever waffle on about. Sooner or later, you will really get it! PEOPLE find THREE PRINCIPLES themselves without the aid of YOU or a safety net.


REMEMBER THIS! There is nothing you can do to make them GET IT! Getting it is entirely down to them. At best, you have become a METAphOR for the Principles. People watch and observe what you do and say, and that is their guiding hand to finding this great truth for themselves. So, do not attempt to be a coach or a teacher. IT DON”T WORK! Sydney Banks saw some of the same people for 23 years, and they still never did get it. So, don’t be a MUG!

Tell yourself ENOUGH!

So, you stop your manic evangelism, calm down and guess what? You have this distinct feeling that something is missing. Perhaps a final joke by Syd Banks? There is a missing link! You cannot fathom it, but you feel it in the depths of your soul. At the very root of your being. And you wonder, “What the fuck is it?”

It took me a year to work it out. If I have interested you enough in what I am saying and all of this resonates with you, then you will be eager for the next post from because I will tell you what the missing link actually is.

Be strong.! Be patient! I always keep my promises!