I am no longer a member of this group for personal reasons. The aspects that this group projects to its members are quite sound. The Three Principles will not help you if you choose to be miserable. The Three Principles will greatly benefit you if you choose Joy and Life. SYDNEY BANKS  was clear that humans had the gift of free will. The ability to choose or reject. If you gain an understanding BUT choose to reject it, then that is your prerogative. Sydney Banks was no Brainwasher.

The only person that can control you is YOU! Joy & Happiness are choices that you can make for yourself if you just look at any situation and see it as part of this dance that we call life!

Get away from the idea that some things are inevitable. They are not. In “Life” there are always choices that can be made. OR there is always a different perspective that is available to you. New Thinking. New Intentions. New Goals. New targets. STOP trying to remain always the same. Materially our bodies renew about every 8 weeks. Every cell is replaced by a new stem replica. You are not who you were yesterday.

So what is your new thinking going to be about? With the Three Principles, your thinking about yourself has a sort of set pattern that you will follow once you fully understand MIND, THOUGHT & CONSCIOUSNESS! What of your relationship with others? How will you try to interact with other people differently?

This is where JOY-BASED LIVING can really help! But be selective. Keep It Simple Stupid K.I.S.S.

Baby Steps. Get the very basics well understood and in daily practice in your life before trying to move on to higher things.

  1. Thank You
  2. Tell Me More
  3. A Shiny Object
  4. I Chose Worthiness

ONE – Thankyou) “Mind your manners!” “say thankyou to Auntie Doreen for your birthday present and card!” “Don’t forget to thank Grandma for having you!” 

I guess these things (or things very similar) were said to us all as a child. Saying Thankyou had to be done whether you felt thankful or not. It just becomes something that you do. A Habit. Well, time to reevaluate that old knee-jerker. What could you say that would convey how you felt to the person you are thanking? Suggestions 

  • “That is very kind of you.”
  • “I appreciate that.”
  • “You are a good person.”
  • “I needed a little lift today, and you are it.”
  • “I wasn’t expecting that.”
  • “You are a one-off. Do you know that?”
  • “Just what I wanted; you always give the right things.”

Saying thank you is honouring the other person and has little to do with you apart from displaying an attitude of gratitude.

Two – Tell me more) People hate not being listened to. I set up a class once and got one of the students to give a talk to the rest of the class about his favourite subject. Apple Macs. What he didn’t know is that he was set up. I had instructed the class to look disinterested and not to interact with him in any way. It almost came to blows. 

Tell me more is a very powerful mantra to have in life. Again it is about honouring the other person and sod all to do about you.


  • “That’s very interesting.”
  • “I was unaware of that.”
  • “Now that is good news.”
  • “Who told you that?”
  • “That is amazing.”
  • “Well, I’ll be blowed.”
  • “Thank you, perhaps you could say a little more.”

Three – A shiny object) Can be anything you want it to be with one proviso. This special shiny object has to always put that smile back on your face. 

I am not going to ask you what that shiny object is. Who knows, it might be X-rated 🙂 But this is your bounce-back object. We all get the blues now and then. It is part of what being happy is all about. The duality of everything. No Joy without there being pain. No faith if you never have any doubt. I could go on and bore you to death. Instead, there is this song whose lyrics remind me of how this works. Let me enlighten you.

Passenger – “Let Her Go.”

Well, you only need the light when it’s burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Only know you’ve been high when you’re feeling low
Only hate the road when you’re missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go
And you let her go
Nuff Said!
As that famous Detective once said, “Oh, just one more thing.”
“Only miss the sun when it starts to snow” What is the shiny object here? “The Sun. Are you sure? Does it not all depend on how you are feeling at the time?”

Four – I chose Worthiness)

YOU ARE ALWAYS WORTHY. When you decide that you are not, then that is your choice to make and no one else’s.

And you should not ever go there. You are a wonderful spiritual being living (for now) in a material body which is your earthly home. There is no one more or less spiritual than you. You need never be a humble follower. You can be a courageous leader. You need never be a victim; you can be a hero instead.

“You need never be defeated; you just retreated.”

“No need to feel deflated; being first is overrated.”

There are two ways of looking at everything. Your worst defeat can be your greatest triumph.

Your opinion of yourself is the only one that matters. All other people’s opinions need you to give them credence. Chose clear water to bring about your revival.

You are great man! 

PS: – when you do know that you have made a mess of things and it is your fault, then there is worthiness here as well. Atone. Vow never to repeat any wrong. Put stuff right! Be worthy! But have boundaries; if all your trying to do the right thing is falling on deaf ears, then go around again.


“Thank You, Tell me more, Shiny Object; Chose worthiness.”

You can do this. This is outsideIN, followed by insideOUT, followed by outsideIN, followed by insideOUT etc.  It’s like waves coming into shore and bouncing straight back out again.

It’s the balance that you have been looking for.