and finally ronnie

and finally ronnie, this post see’s the coming together of a plan.

Like a lot of plans it wasn’t a plan at all in the beggining. It was just a thought.

from Thought emerged, like a butterfly from an unsavourary looking catterpillar, a plan which uses links on Facebook to a blog which teaches Sydney Banks 3P’s and other links which go to a blog about “insights”.

The evolved “plan” is good. It started as Lap N, Pan L, Lan P, etc.

Strange when I stopped thinking about it then it developed a life of its own. Of course my Ego claimed it as my plan. It clearly int. Its AL’s.

If you’ll be my bodyguard
I can be your long lost pal
I can call you Betty
And Betty, when you call me, you can call me Al
Call me Al
