Study Days

Guidance Notes on the Organisation of a Study Day


Here are a few ideas from the old hands for those new to the experience.


THE VENUE: Choose a venue you can afford to pay for!

Try to get it near parking and public transport

If possible, have a couple of small discussion rooms available. (Large halls get noisy)

Decide on maximum/minimum numbers (36 a maximum for regional and local days). Limit to 2 or 3from each group…too many from one group can cause problems. You can always widen this if bookings are slow.

Trawl members to get a rough idea of the number likely to attend. (Advertise in Adviser’s Newsletter)

Set a cut-off date for booking, to avoid losing money if there is not enough interest.

If possible, have a separate room for tea/coffee and to eat lunch.

Get outside caterers for a sandwich lunch. People are willing to pay rather than bring their own.

Make sure you have seen the room before you start (Must be sure it’s a suitable space!)

Try to gain early access to set up tables etc as you want them.

Are there stairs to be negotiated, perhaps to the toilets? Is there disabled access?

SPEAKERS. Decide what topics you want to cover.

Decide on the type of day you have in mind. If you are inviting speakers, will you have to pay a fee or only travel expenses? (U3A speakers are free apart from expenses)

Is there some form of microphone system and/or a hearing loop so that all will be able to hear clearly?

Make sure speaker has told you early about any audio/visual aids (Some need a flipchart or whiteboard and pens, some power points).

Arrange to ferry the speaker to and from the station and/or offer overnight hospitality if needed



Find out via the application form if special diets are needed. (Make sure there is around 50% vegetarian food as meat-eaters often prefer it) Would advise against going out for lunch, they are always late back! No alcohol – sleep-inducing and increases costs. People can be more interested in lunch than writing….give no excuse for moans about refreshments!




You will need to cover:

Hire of hall

Travel expenses and possible accommodation for speaker(s)

Cost of lunch; tea; coffee; biscuits etc.

Photocopying and Admin costs for you and any outside speaker (Region will photocopy free for Regional days).

Average fee for a day £12-15 – people seem to think it good value. Free places for major helpers?




Put someone in charge of receiving and listing Applications. Cheques should be made out to whoever is covering the costs (presumably the Region or your U3A), NEVER to an individual.

When you know you’re going ahead, confirm booking to successful applicants.

Produce a detailed programme with timings……..give out on the day (send them out & they’ll lose them!)

Recruit helpers and give them specific jobs. Identify them with a coloured badge/label. (Some U3As provide help with lunch and refreshments)

Arrange a registration/hospitality desk and large print name badges.

Possibly send joining instructions with a map before the day as a reminder.

If assigning people to groups or tables, try to separate members of the same U3A.

Make sure there are pens/paper available for all and a couple of tables for handouts, books etc.



Maggie Smith November 2015