Always Right

I am beginning to read a book on acceptance. Does that mean that I have to just regard WHAT IS & JUST IS as things that I have no opinion about? Ultimately, I suppose, the answer to that question is a flat yes. The mere fact though, that we asked that question, shows what seekers after truth we really are. BUT what sort of person would we be if we became indifferent to all the ills and woes of this world? Well, Charles Dickens showed us what we would become if we were to be so. He created a monster known as Ebeneezer Scrooge. We should never be indifferent, but we must realise that there are some things that we can strive to change slightly for the better, and there are those things that never change, and will not, no matter how much we would like them to.  You know the expression “that God loves a trier”. Even a doubter like Thomas. God gave us a voice and we are supposed to use it. Shout at oppression, whisper with compassionate love, sigh at good and sad. We are not supposed to be made of stone. BUT we must not let the things that we cannot change overwhelm us and make us so frozen with fear that we cannot deal with life. Life’s chief ogres are the four riders of the Apocolypse. FAMINE, WAR, DISEASE & death. There are here in the world somewhere as I write, and they are very scary. We are not meant to bury them in the mind with disbelief, and denial. Hard Times come to us all. Sometimes when we least expect them, like a thief in the night. Jesus told us to be alert. Even Jesus had his moments of doubt and fear. We will too. BUT WE WANT TO LIVE DON’T WE? The human spirit cannot endure a half-life. We make merry and laugh, especially at Christmas! God bless us, everyone.