My hang up withCD

It seems to me that Charles Dickens knew a great deal about The Three Principles before it became known by Sydney Banks as such. 

Each of the three spirits tells it exactly as Syd sees it. I summarised the spirit’s thoughts in the image next door and don’t see the point of writing it all out again in the text editor. (as excellent as Elementor is I loath duplication.)

If you are going to start taking Sydney Banks seriously in 2022 then this is a great place to begin your understanding.

Remember that KNOWING is just a memory recall exercise, and parrots and trained monkeys can say and do things that they have heard or seen before. They do not UNDERSTAND what they say or do. They are but mimics (albeit very clever ones). The Principles is about NEVER being a follower again. Regurgitate only what you discover for yourself. Known as ‘insideOUT!’ You can yell at a child that fire is dangerous and they do not really listen until they get burnt. Then they get it!

The 3 Principles is very much a teach yourself course and I maintain it CANNOT be taught. So the people asking for money because they can do it for you are misrepresenting the task. Someone who says “I can gently guide you in your quest.” is a totally different kettle of fish. They have it right for the journey is your journey and not theirs. There are millions of ways for the enlightenment that Sydney Had can happen. All his true followers listened when he said ‘do not listen to my words.’ This bewildered them as some had flown halfway around the world to hear him. Those that really listened got it. Sydney is just a guide. He told them he had no formulas, no methods, no rules, no shortcuts. What he was telling them was to think about what you hear, see, smell, touch, & taste. Do NOT ask anyone else what their opinion is. What is your own truth?

Every guide has to eat and pay bills. That is all the guides are charging you for. Everyone wants to teach The 3 Principles, no one wants to just point as it doesn’t pay well. Got it? 

The Spirits wanted Ebeneezer to see that his past sculptured the direction that his life now took. You CANNOT change your present life by looking at your past because it is but shadows of the things that have been. A lot of things in your past did not happen like you think they did. They are stories about your past that you are the author of (think about this. It is possible to make your past anything you like).

The Present Spirit (NOW) raised Ebeneezer’s consciousness so that he could see the ripple effects of his current life’s path. How what he said and did (notice not what he thought) affected his nephew, Bob & his family etc.

The spirit of the future was the one that really rattled old scrooge though. He showed him the rewards that his current lifestyle would bring to him. And just like the child that was warned about fire being dangerous, Scrooge had to see it with his own eyes to believe it was true. 

Next Christmas I will read this novelette again. (I do every year) It really is the most fabulous 3 point sermon that I have ever heard. CD would have made a fabulous Victorian Preacher.