mini 3P journey part 15

So, here we are at post 15 and Paul has not mentioned what The Three Principles are at all. How confusing! This series has been just to try to get you to think in a different way. As human beings, we are obsessed with what is happening outside of us and rarely if ever think about what gives internally. 

The Three Principles is about looking inside for the answer to everything you needed to know about yourself. It’s like our own opinion of ourselves does not count one little bit IT IS ALWAYS IN THE HUMAN MIND WHAT IS IT THAT OTHERS THINK ABOUT ME!!

The first time you look inside you might not like what you see and that is normal. It takes a while in order to go against all advice and actually love yourself. The Buddhists say it is bad practice to self cherish but I cannot see how you can love anyone else if you do not love yourself. 

  1. So, self-love is a must.
  2. Discovering a higher power inside is vital as well.
  3. Making the one you are with the most important thing in the universe is next.
  4. Listening, so that you feel what people are saying.
  5. Looking till you see fully what is going on
  6. Closing down the small mind and entering big mind (psychotherapy and meditation does this)
  7. Trusting in your own wisdom. Being less co-dependent. Some people never take their own good advice but rely on the advice of others to get them in deep, deep trouble. 
  8. Building up the courage to say “I know about this…”
  9. Leaving fear behind. Troubles come and troubles go, often all by themselves.
  10. Learning what is important today will not be tomorrow.
  11. Having the ability to say “I do not know and I am quite sure no one else knows for certain either.”
  12. Learn not to worry about failure. Treat success with gratitude.
  13. UNLUCKY!