A story about Animals

Creative writing

Exercise Book Page 37 Animals. Due Date Monday 12th June 2017

I looked at them seated on my settee. Cheek. It was 8 bells and we should be out by now on a very important appointment. There was a ring at the doorbell. I was off like a shot. I always liked to greet people who came to our door. I thought I would be hotly pursued but to my surprise no one followed me. Confused I just stared at the door and waited. I could hear breathing just the other side of the door so I knew someone was there. I didn’t have a key. Even if I knew who it was, and I suspected that I did by the faint scent that I was getting under the door, I couldn’t really give them entry. The door bell rang again. Something wasn’t right so I gave a loud bark. I wanted to go out so I also added a double paw scrape to the front door. 

‘Is that you scamp? Now then have you been left on your own again? I hope you are being a really good doggie for John and Beryl. I will pop back tomorrow, perhaps I will catch grumpy and angel in then eh? Bye Scamp.’ And then I heard footsteps going away from the door.

‘Come back you idiot. I never said they weren’t in so why did you assume it. Doh humans! Often they are too stupid for words.’ Not knowing quite what else to do I went and stared at them on my settee again. They hadn’t moved a muscle the lazy blighters. Grumpy had a fixed expression like he always had when that farm soap was on the ad channel. Angel wasn’t inanely grinning though and that was odd. 12 bells had been and gone and it was soon going to be 16 bells a 6 dungs. Whoops I really could do with visiting fifth bush on the right followed by second grass patch on the left. What the heck was going on?

The phone rang. At last! Angel never ignores the sound of Ring ring; Ring ring; 6repeats. “Sorry the person you want is not available to answer your call  please leave a message after the tone and then when you have finished your message just hang up.’ I stared long and hard at Angel and then growled. No reaction at all. This time I will try my always works. Jump on her lap and lick her chin. I jumped went to lick and blow me down she laid right down on her left hand side and just stared at me. Grumpy said nothing just stared straight ahead.

Mmm? The window was open as it had been hot and sunny all day and this kennel was like when I used to live with twitchy and he kept me in with his plants in the garden. Talking of which there was a flower pot with a large horrible green prickly thing, like a vicious cucumber, perched on the window cill. Now then. I waited. It was almost 16 bells and 11 dungs when I heard voices outside on the pavement. Better than that I knew this noise, it was jibber jabber gabber, Angels best friend and Grumpy’s must hated sound ever. I waited until the voice was right next to the window and then sprung at the plant and the sheer brilliance of my precision and timing knocked the nasty green thing and plant through the open window. The plant pot smashed when it hit the pavement. 

‘What the?’ Came a roar from outside the window. ‘You trying to bloody kill me you moaning old git? Closely followed by a ring on the door bell. I stared at the door and this time kept absolutely quiet. No point chasing this rabbit off I wanted this one to stick around. There was some low cursing going on outside. Some low beeping sounds  and then Ring ring; Ring Ring; ‘Sorry the person you…’ I was cross ‘you’ll drive them away you scatty bitch’ I leapt on the phone table grabbed the noise box, and shook it to break its bloody neck! It got to available and that was that! I barked at the stupid announcer ‘why don’t you just tell them to break the bloody door down, have you no sense at all and just continually barked my message of disapproval hoping that stupid would do the right thing.


‘Oi scamp what’s up Lah?’ Said the voice outside. I groaned my best high growl that I could to let jibber jabber know I was far from happy about grumpy and fell over. To add a little more drama I launched myself at the door and rattled it best that I could and produced a loud thump that hurt my paws. I heard more low beebings. ‘Police Please…. At a friends house somethings not right, they are not answering the door and the dog is a bit frantic even though he knows whose at the door. Yes I know they are here, there is no mail in the letterbox, what?