What are The Three Principles

In other words, once I saw the source of our experience by the Gift of Mind, brought to life by  Consciousness, created in Thought, I was able to see right through to the core of all life.”

~ Amir Karkouti

All of us tend to overcomplicate matters. I recently joined a Celtic Christian Group called The Community of Aiden and Hilda, only to discover that they have Three Principles as well.


FOLLOWING my initial period with CA&H I have observed that the people that I have met tend to overcomplicate their Three Principles as well. What is it about human beings and that floundering talent we all have for doubt and insecurity? How much evidence do we need to convince ourselves of the fact that something just feels right?

Example: – Obedience.

  1. How do I know who to be obedient to?
  2. Is my obedience absolute? (if I was told to kill a dog would I have to do it?)
  3. Where do my orders come from?
  4. How can I be sure that I have obeyed correctly?
  5. What if my obedience causes pain and suffering to me?
  6. If I take this literally then I have lost my own point of view. Nothing I believe has any relevance.
  7. do you see what I am saying? This list of questions is infinitely long. What is the benefit of finding all the answers? If I have Purity then I will not obey unpure commands. If I have simplicity I would not be asking all these daft questions! 

Their Three Principles, like a Venn Diagram, exist on their own BUT they only have meaning if we combine them in certain proportions for them. to have any usefulness.

We cannot separate The Three Principles. They are a trinity, each of them is separate but relies for their life on the other two.