So, Jesus came to Earth for Man’s (and women’s Salvation) he was a human Lamb sacrifice under Jewish tradition as a placation from the wrath of Jehovah. When Jesus was put on the cross and passed from Life then SIN WAS NO MORE.

Excellent I am glad we got the very tricky bit out of the way. The Jewish way of things is that saying sorry does not ‘cut it’. SORRY is a mere word in their culture. One has to make amends for things that you have done which are bad. Buying a Lamb would cost you a 10th of your yearly income, and so offering God one was something punitive for you. God would note your true sorrow as you and your family found themselves on an enforced food reduction plan. The Jewish nation only really accepted the first 5 books of what we call the Old Testament. It was called the Torah and comprises the books we now know as Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers & Deuteronomy. These 5 Books of Moses were known by every Jew. It is the foundation course of their faith.

After Jesus completed his mission to save the world, in the eyes of God, Mankind is no longer suffering from Sin.

“Without Sin” would lead a Jew to automatically think of Genesis and the story of Creation. Man is now in the position of the very first man ADAM [and Eve] before the temptation of the snake. Nothing to be ashamed of, no reason to hide from God. Entirely blameless. Judgement NO LONGER EXISTS.

Man has been born again. Jesus said, “Unless you be born again, you cannot see the kingdom of God.” A sinless man could now see The Kingdom. So, you have been baptised, taken communion, and Pray to be able to keep God’s Law as best as a human can. So, why cannot you see the kingdom??

You have forgotten that Judgement no longer exists. You wander round the Garden of Paradise going…

  • Why?
  • Who?
  • When?
  • Where?
  • What?
  • How?

The investigative questions are all part and parcel to do with us judging everything. Without Judgement, does it matter Why, Who, When, Where, What or How anything happened?? You have learned now that everything ‘Just Is.’ or where, more appropriately, ‘What is.’

Exactly, nothing really matters, as any fool can see, nothing really matters to [the new] me. (Thanks Freddy Mercury).

Your next big question is…

“Who is me?”

Adam certainly knew who he was “I am God’s Creation.” He had no possessions because God gave him everything. He was no longer alone because God gave him a companion. Eve. Years passed, and Adam and Eve had children. Adam said, “I am the founder of my family.” Adam knew exactly who he was. He was everything he saw, heard, touched, smelt and Tasted. EVERYTHING that he was conscious of.

Modern man is not so sure who he is. He thinks he is a very sophisticated being. He is not like the rest; he is different, he is special. He has invented an identity for himself. His prosperity is in the size and splendour of the house he lives in, the price range of the car he drives, his designer clothes, and the attractiveness and riches of his friends. Yes, he is a really swell guy. And yet, in his heart, he knows this is all rubbish. He looks at those who are a lot less fortunate, and something inside him says, “HELP THEM.”

Because his existence is ALL about judgement, he judges everything in his path and everyone around him. His own guilt for thinking like this, for some very strange reason, hangs like a millstone of guilt around him. He feels tired and anxious most of the time. Judgement will lead him to blame. “It’s their own fault; they should work harder, work longer, waste less, clean up their act and give up all their vices! Are there no prisons? are there no workhouses? Those that are badly off must go there. And if they would rather die, then they had better do it, and reduce the surplus population. [thank you, Charles Dickens]. Separatism will kill you. A man was not created to be an island. Man is supposed to care for the world. Not just the pretty little animals, birds and fish BUT also the nasty, ugly, smelly argumentative, sweaty, repulsive HUMANS as well. The more you see that you are NOT special and that everyone is a God-created equal, the more you will have compassion for others.

I am you, and you are me, and we are all together. I am the egg man; they are the egg man; I am the walrus Goo Goo Ka-Choo [thank you, John Lennon].

Your identity is just what you are conscious of in the moment. Drop all the Judgement, Blame stuff & you will see your mind is fixed on GOOD POSITIVE STUFF and not all that horrible negative stuff that you have been previously living with.

How do you feel? Loving and Loved [cos that’s all you need] SAFE + SECURE because you are part of the big world and not set apart from it. You are truly part of JUST “what is”. You are alive, living in the actual world instead of dreaming up a fantasy film where you star the leading role!!!

Jesus set you free.