Sydney Banks (and the Buddhists, & and a myriad of religious sects) tell me that the mind does not reside in the brain. They believe in a Devine Mind which is not ’flesh and blood’ like the human brain. The person you call you is actually a collection of very individual thoughts, beliefs, faith, hopes & dreams that is pure “energy’. Not a physical thing at all. “You” are actually without form and temporarily housed in a physical body until the change is made.

You will have learned in elementary physics / Science that ENERGY can neither be created or destoyed. Energy just transforms from one type of energy to another. Belief is all about listening to thousands of Near Death Experiences where people “sense” the change when the physical body dies and the energy persists in another form…

THIS all sounds rather strange. BUT everything in life demands faith. You drive to work. For a hundred people per day its the last trip they ever make. You worry about travel? No, you have faith that you will be safe. There are people who cannot travel in a car, bus, train, plane, or boat. They live in great fear of their physical death and that being the end of all consciousness. ENERGY, transforms into… nothingness void, which elementary school physics tells us is NOT possible!

Ask yourself

“What would it be like to have a very important message and not be allowed to tell anyone what that message is, even though the subject matter involved a man’s death and the birth of a generation who did not know that they were entirely blameless?”

What would that be like do you think? AND YET people who have had insight to a deeper understanding of this life are just told to SHUT IT because they have NOT the authority to say what lies in their own heart and soul.

Think their heart might break and despair set in because ‘THEY KNOW’, and the others do not?

Yes, that is how it feels. AND before you start bandying on about ‘Who gave him the right?’ or ‘Who rattled her bleeding cage?’ and the like, just ask yourself the one sanity check question in the whole belief, religion, mishmash, that the world has now.

“How many certificates and diplomas did the 12 have?