He said a great deal. My mission, though, is not to brainwash you. I just want you to think about a few things he said and dwell upon them for a while in your mind. It WILL OCCUR to you that if everyone did actually what he asked us to do, a “FEELING” would spread through the world like a raging forest fire. There would be no more war, no more famine, no more murder, no more theft, no more racism, in fact, no more of any of the ism’s, less disease, less death, and more and more people would be just content LOVING each other rather than JUDGING each other. SIN is Judging. GET RID OF SIN and get rid of judging, Zoom, back to the garden of Eden, before the fall, welcome back to Paradise.

Now, you may think I am a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope one day you’ll join us and the world can live as one…
Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you shall be forgiven.
And why, even of yourselves, do you not judge what is right
And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge says
Does our law judge the Man before it hears Him and knows what He does?
Treat all these as challenges.
You are being asked to question ‘THOUGHT’ which you previously regarded as always right..
  • Do you want to be forgiven for the wrong that you know you have done?
  • Why are you so full of criticism and so loathe to praise and bless?
  • You consider yourself an infallible judge, then do you?
  • Are you guilty of saying, “Guilty, what is the charge”?

You see, The Bible can become no longer just religious writing, but a tool for users to make sure that they are asking the right questions about what is written.

I do not want to give you too many examples, as that way lies boredom. I just want to sow the seeds of an idea for you to pursue yourself. That way, you can directly relate to what you have found, and not feel like one where someone has told you what they say you should accept and believe. There is a world of difference between these two things, from one springs indoctrination and from the other enlightenment and growth.

The next big thing to understand is The Cross.

But First, you have to think like a Jewish Tribal Member. God gave us ten commandments. To be “right with God”, you have to keep all tech commandments. It is like you have an account with God, and while you keep all the commandments well, your acceptance at its absolute minimum will show £0. Not a penny debt and not a penny credit. God, however, rewards his favoured people, so if “you are right with God”, he will add to your account. Although the tribes had entered the promised land, they continued their nomadic practices. A lot of families kept sheep, goats, etc., because if an enemy came then, you and your family could drive your wealth to a new location. Simples. So many families measured their wealth in sheep. A man God blessed might have 100 sheep. A man with a thousand sheep was said to be more blessed by God. Here are their Bank Statements.

The Jewish Bank account with God

The Jews are a very righteous people. Obey God – get a reward, disobey God, and you give Him back something that He gave you in the first place. A sort of returned favour (if you like). If you committed a minor sin, you might give God back a pigeon. A VERY BIG sin, then it is five sheep. Unlike the Catholic tradition of absolution, “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned etc.” The Jewish people (in charge of The Temple) devised a tariff for each of the sins you could commit. In time, The Temple had people outside it, manning STALLS selling Pigeons, Lambs, & Sheep (for tiny Sins, medium sins, and enormous Sins – XL sins negotiable). On your way in to pray, you could pick up a handy pigeon, Lamb or Sheep sacrifice. You might laugh, already! BUT it became big business. Especially, when one wag declared that Roman Coins were sinful, so you had to convert them to “Temple Money” if you wanted to make a monetary offering to The Temple. These were the “money changers”, and they also had market stalls outside the Temple. That was good business as well, because the exchange rate was awful – a complete rip off! Being right with God became big business. The Sanhedrin (The Religious hierarchy) never actually condoned all this, and separated themselves, whenever they could, from these dubious practices. But although they could have stopped it, this was how it was.

Jesus is often referred to as The Lamb of God. When ‘The People’ sacrificed this Jesus (the most sinless, son of God) and UNWITTINGLY they created a payment back to God (look at the Bank Statements above) that ensured that no matter how many of the tribes committed mega sins over many millennium their accounts would always be in credit. For the Sacrifice of the Lamb of God was worth 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Sheep. Call it infinity, for Jesus, IS the co-creator of this world, and everything in it. So his worth is “half-life.”

Just to help a bit further…. another picture, where that old sinner Jacob Marley presents every sin that the world has, and will ever, commit and the other pan of the balance scales, contains Jesus – the Lamb of God, sacrificed for the sins of the whole world… Jewish, Gentile, every nation that exists on this planet.

Notice that Justice is Blind – She does not look at who is being judged, as everyone presented (forcibly maybe) before she is treated precisely in the same fashion. Notice she carries a sword, so you know what you’re getting if she finds you guilty. If the scales balance, then you are okay. If the left-hand pan (the one with Jesus in it) is down and the right one up, then the balance ‘is in your favour’. Your Sin is NOT great. You are reprieved. If the left-hand pan is up and the right hand is down, then I quote, “you are due for the chop!” because the balance is not in your favour. You stand condemned. And like everything that is intrinsically simple, some clever dick always finds a way around it. They Pervert the Justice system and destroy the complete fairness of it all. You do get what you deserve with’ real Justice’ unless God intervenes, of course! Then you get undeserved Love and Mercy. I hope all this makes sense to you. But, of course, you have to accept that Jesus has done this before its realisation is granted to you. Think.