When you are ‘out of your thinking’ a different set of notions comes to you. Sydney Banks called these inspirations ‘insights” as they came not from experience in the world but from somewhere deep with yourself. Others refer to them as wisdom but what ever name you give to these obvious truths that seem to occur when something you feel resonates with you. Within you. They are usually of a very personal nature and are only for the benefit of the person discovering them. Plus they are in the moment, intended for imediate use and not to be squirrelled away for future observance. So why record any of them here as the argument that has just been made say it is a complete waste of time? Well, you may have some insights and wonder what they mean and where the come from and when you should deal  with them +pause+ and you have to have examples to know what i am talking about… don’t you?


YEAH I HEAR VOICES 😉 never felt saner thank you. Here I will introduce you to FAITH. Believing something that you cannot ever prove. TRUST – a feeling of being safe, of being at home.

The Fool? Before you start to trust the wisdom that springs from within, this is exactly like you will feel. After all, who agrees with this notion you just had? Your inner negativity will have a field day with all this. Ridicule of everything that you come up with is EGO’s biggest weapon  to convince you that what he says is right, and that all you think for yourself is utter nonsense. EGO needs your dependance on him, otherwise you might just decide to take no notice of him and treat him as if he is the fool and you are the clever one. A battle of duality within you? The word doubt has the same root as dual, two, twice. Yes you have one mind bust it houses two very separate beings. Sydney referred to divine mind or universal mind for the clever one. He called the other one personal mind, EGO. Identity. The person you made up! The person you believe is you but isn’t.


When I am doing a task that I feel is very important then I lose myself. The hours fly by and I look at the clock and do not believe how much time has gone by. Doing Nothing as a task is very difficult for most people because they believe that ‘doing nothing’ is a waste of time. Doing nothing though is very important. The MIND needs to have PEACE now and then in order to sort out the data it has misplaced, or filed incorrectly, or lied about. DO NOTHING TODAY if only for an hour or so. You will think more clearly for having done so.

The Three Principles raise our consciousness. Jesus was the master of raising people’s consciousness. He did this by telling people stories that they could identify with to a large extent. They could see the characters in the story and understood why they acted like they did. They knew Samaritans were considered by EVERYONE as the lowest form of pond life. They were dispised and spat on wherever they went and yet here was a Samaritan who bucked the trend. The fact that he was extraordinarily kind in a very hostile world to them spotlighted the behaviour Jesus was pointing firmly to. A life of self sacrifice for those less fortunate than oneself. Jesus led his whole life like this. Can you?

Prior to my finding the three principles this book would have meant absolutely nothing to me BUT NOW it has opened up a whole new insight on Christianity and the importance of JESUS as a teacher and a prophet. Here is the definitive changing chapter for me. PLEASE BUY THE BOOK AND SUPPORT THE AUTHOR – I am 100% sure that you will want  to read  the whole work after reading this wee snippet.

Jesus on Be you <=== The link to read the chapter

Your Intellect is your small mind’s way of navigating through life. The small mind puts everything into nice convenient categories boxes. Within those categories, boxes are boxes called types.  example ANIMAL is the. category. TYPE is Cat. Anything that cannot be categorised precisely is put into the nearest fit. small mind is where the EGO lives and he is NEVER ever wrong. Say he puts the animal CAT into the category  box labelled FEROCIOUS (because a cat scratched him when he was a little EGO) then every cat you see will produce a feeling of fear and the body put on alert. (read flight or fight, read panic. BIG MIND does not do this, Big Mind is the primitive and all he cares about is NOW the moment. BIG MIND will feel the same warmth and purring of the last cat he encountered and will probably want to pick up the animal and stroke it so he can hear it purr. THIS MAY NOT BE THE GREATEST OF EXAMPLES BUT YOU GET MY POINT…Right So, what benefit is all this to me. 


The Intellect makes mistakes but is never able to admit that so it convinces MIND that the mistake is the reality. i.e. A Lie is true. Why is this important? Some people believe they are ugly when they are not. Some people feel they are total failures when they are not. Some people believe they are good people when they are not. See how I slipped that opposite view in there? You can believe your behaviour totally acceptable when it isn’t. Say someone is being really nasty to you. In their head, they think they are doing what you deserve. They are probably mistaken… YES? perhaps you should pause for a little moment and reflect on whether they may just possibly have a point. Maybe.

It took me a long time to figure out that Sydney Banks was right about thought and illusion. My hope is that the  video above creeps into you big mind  and you see the EGO identity for what he is. A made up personality (ID) who is convinced he knows it all.