What is this all about then?

This is about beliefs. We all have them. Mostly they come from “Outside-In”. This, I know, is a confusing statement to make. When you were a small child you had very few beliefs (that’s good) and the ones you had, were based on your own personal life experience. You were an intuitive little soul. Instead of relying on “beliefs” you knew things that were important to your very survival. You had developed your own unique set of values and standards. In fact “YOU TAUGHT YOU” everything that you needed to know in order to survive in this world ~ and all by the age of seven years old.

So what went wrong? Well there are many theories, but my own personal one, is that you started getting attachments. You looked at other people and you thought “They are cool!” if they say thats what has to be done, then I will do it. Before you knew where you were you had handed over the “management of YOU” to other people. Followed their advice, listened to their words of wisdom and encouragement, worshipped them a bit! BUT where did they get all this stuff from?

Sheep are wonderful creatures. I helped bring up three lambs once, bottle fed them, cleaned them, comforted them – surrogate mother really. When they all grew up they all lost their individuality, and all being the same breed, I could not tell them apart easily. They stuck together everywhere they collectively went. Strange creatures are sheep.

Your “attachments” didn’t have any more clue than you did about anything. You are the most wise spiritual person that you know. Your only mistake in life, was forgetting this, and learning a lot of stuff that is totally irrelevant to you and “your view” of this wonderful gift called life.

Best thing is to un-learn all that crap that is so unhelpful to you, and get on being a child again, who looks inside themselves because you looking “inside-OUT” really does allow you to know  know “What is”. “What is” equals The Truth of a past event.

So a few clues for you here. Keep digging, and all will suddenly ’click into place’ to reveal what the heck I am on about.