What the whole world needs is to be re-born to regain that “silent mind” the “no thought” state of the new human being that they had before their 8th BIRTHDAY†

As soon as you get over the joy and splendour of birth, then the ego [whch is delusional] convinces us that what it “thinks” is indesputible fact, it says that IT “understands everything” & we beleve it!! Its nonsense because IT is deluded as “corrupted data in” can ONLY result in it’s analysis being INCORRECT. SO, to prevent it’s lies, fiction, and untruths being exposed, it hides your inner wisdom, from YOU.

You just need the intellect [the ego] to go “to sleep” {even for just a fraction of a second} for the most important “insideOUT” single THOUGHT to come into CONSCIOUSNESS and for your DEVINE MIND to see it.

The 3 principles allow you to see the world and how it really is… !FACT!

You cannot change “the world” but YOU can change YOU…


Your “true self” is an image of OM, God, The Creator, Devine Mind – You are not, AND NEVER HAVE BEEN, your thoughts!

PRINCIPLE#1 divine mind: is the intelligence of all things whether in form or formless.

PRINCIPLE #2 thought: is a divine gift, that we use to go through life as thinking creatures.

PRINCIPLE #3 consciousness: is a principle, that allows us to see creation and all it entails, period.

Any thing you DO resulting from “The Three” is FROM A DIFFERENT consciousness, and that takes you away, off the path to “wisdom insight”, for once the EGO’s barriers are overcome then more and more wisdom creeps through the breach . NEW insights of wisdom will flood into the NEW WAY that you now see the world.


do not go and buy any books on the above, no videos, listen to podcasts, read anything else on this web site {or any other one} ALL YOU NEED is above this paragraph on this page. If you don’t “get it” on first read then DO NOT LOOK ANYWHERE ELSE FOR THE ANSWERS. To do so will result in more outsideIN, more ego misrepresentation and you will never “get it”. Just re-read the above again {and again if need be} and take careful note of how you feel insideOUT. Your “getting it” starts with a warm pleasant calm feeling inside. YOU ARE IN A NICE PLACE. The only person you need to ask about “The Three Principles” is YOU. Sydney describes this place as “Coming Home”.

Here ends my “teaching” on The Three Principles they just guide you to “look within” to re -discover something that you already knew. !FACT!