Emma is the power behind (see her awesome list of studies below) Freedom Starts Within and you get to hear more from her at her website which is http://www.freedomstartswithin.com

  • Reiki master/practitioner
  • Diploma in clinical hypnotherapy
  • hypno abundance
  • Indian Head massage
  • Reflexology
  • clinical hypnotherapy

within you…. Without you.

Personal development, self-improvement, self-love, levelling up or any other forms of improving our self-worth as a human being is a complete paradox to understanding the spiritual nature of life, who we really are and finding joy, peace, clarity and love.

Unfortunately, whenever we look for things outside of us, this also tells us that we need to add to our self to experience the beauty of life.

When we are in our natural state (with a mind that has complete clarity, minimal activity ie very few thoughts) we feel calm, non-anxious, self assured, not a care in the world. In this natural state, we are love, joy and everything we desire without the need to fix or improve Any aspect of our inner self. We are perfect, we are infinite and we are all.

Finding or returning to our natural state is not about adding or changing modality or thought patterns to create an identity of success, it is about understanding what our feelings are telling us, how life really works and seeing that we are all doing the best we can with our made up view of the world. When you achieve this, that is when you truly realise the infinite possibility of us as a divine spiritual being.

Personally developing “the self” is cause for an insatiable need for more this will never complete you, you never were incomplete. You already are you just forgot that and wasted so much time searching for something that you already had.

By turning your attention So you are looking within yourself you will find out that you already are it all. So let’s stop trying to develop our self and start deconstructing our illusion, to reveal our true nature, our true being.