I was asked by Deborah Baron if I would write some copy for her then new magazine called “LESS STRESS / MORE SUCCESS” based on medium.com.
The Target audience was people in a career or were sole traders who wanted to achieve more without the bogey man of ‘burn out’ getting to them.
My editor is a Three Principles Practitioner and so am I (except I am not registered as one – which costs money and judging by some of the registered practitioners generates a pretty useless piece of paper not worth the ink that printed it). Anyway I digress. I wondered if I could in just SIX short stories give people a ‘grounding’ in the Three Principles discovered by Sydney Banks. My editor and I might disagree whether I was successful in achieving this great illusion but I thought I would share these 6 stories on my website just to see what you all make of them. So…
Here is the background. In these stories I play a totally 3P convinced lecturer that he can teach all the principles in one semester just by using “The Principles” himself in the classroom with his students. More than that, he is going to get the class to teach themselves by HIM deciding which of them have arrived at ‘The Point’ and when they have they take the next LECTURE.
It was a bit of fun and who knows maybe I did succeed. Let me know please if it works for you OR if you have any questions I will show you how you can answer your own questions yourself, without the aid of a safety net!

Here are links to the stories that chart the students path.


They are


  1. an invisible teaching tool
  2. another time perhaps
  3. certification
  4. the register
  5. the headmaster finds his student equal and other curiosities
  6. the final lesson.


There we are just 6 stories of probably 6-7 minutes reading time each.


50 minutes of your valuable time. All it needs is for one thought to slip from the conscious mind into your unconscious mind and you will see it!  Understanding is just one short thought away and afterwards your life will never be quite the same ever again.